Hi, this is completist's writing commissions info


writing commission

fandoms and what I write

Boku no Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
Banana Fish
DC / Marvel comics and movies

For other fandoms, please do send a message for us to see if I know enough about it! For new/unfamiliar source materials, I ask for at least two weeks to familiarize myself with it—same goes for OCs.

As for the specifics of the story itself, I can write fluff to angst, SFW to NSFW, and crack to emotional hurt/comfort! You can check my ao3 for sample works and the fandoms/ships I already wrote for.


based on number of words

500 - 700
1000 - 1200
1500 - 1700
2000 - 2200
2500 - 2700
3000 - 3200

15 USD
20 USD
25 USD
30 USD
35 USD
40 USD

additional 15 USD if NSFW
Payment via PayPal (intl), BPI/GCash (PH)
• USD to PHP conversion is 1:55
• Payment is upfront
• Commissioned piece may take 2-4 weeks to finish depending on my availability!

*Buy me a coffee available for 250-word drabbles!

will not write

explicit ot3 (M/F/M)

This is not an exhaustive list, tho there's very little that I might not want to write, so if you have a specific request, I'm sure we can work it out via DMs!

Having said those, please note that I may still decline some commissions if I feel uncomfortable with it, or if I feel I might not be able to give it justice.

If interested, you can reach me through my social media listed below, so we can talk about your commission! I'm more active on twitter, but I also respond well on emails.

Terms of Service, Use, and Agreement will be shared once both parties are ready to proceed with the commission. As always, thank you so much for the support!